Gorilla Tags are devices programmed specifically for each individual to enable remote rebalancing by providing balancing frequency patterns on a 24-hour basis.

Gorilla Balance devices are small, portable, mains-operated devices which emit balancing frequency patterns designed to neutralise negative influences (stressors) in the environment and thereby support therapeutic processes and create a harmonious and supportive atmosphere. They are suitable for use both in the family and the workplace. Unlike Gorilla Tags, Gorilla Balance devices do not operate in support of specific individuals.

We have been using these programmes for nearly 15 years and we have been offering neurodevelopmental assessment and therapy programmes for over 25 years.

Yes, there is no lower age limit for the use of our programmes.

Edutherapy remote therapy systems were developed through over 15 years’ innovative research and development, based on knowledge gained from the successful use of locally delivered therapeutic approaches. This development included rigorous testing procedures. Testing and comparisons between locally versus remotely delivered therapeutic approaches demonstrated remotely delivered therapy to be more beneficial to clients in terms of therapeutic success, ease of access, and cost effectiveness. As a result, remote therapy systems have now been used exclusively for over 15 years.

Yes, we provide full reports with clear summaries which we use to monitor progress. These reports are particularly suited for use in school or by other professionals.

Edutherapy assessments are tailored specifically to each individual and focus particularly on auditory, visual, motor and emotional processing. Where appropriate, a wide range of standardised educational tests are also used and advice and support given to help children and young people with educational or behavioural challenges. Ongoing reviews are then provided to analyse and confirm progress and to support and guide clients in their development.

No, we do not normally see very young children and adults and many of our children and young people live too far away for personal visits to be viable. Where full assessments are not appropriate or possible we use an extensive questionnaire and written report system, which enables us to assess people’s issues and monitor their progress on our programmes in considerable detail.

Stress and stress factors are defined as anything of toxic, emotional or environmental origin which perturbs any aspect of normal functioning.

Sensory integration is a term used to describe processes in the brain that allow us to receive, process and respond to the information we receive from our 5 senses (sight, sound, smell, taste and touch), as well as our vestibular sense (balance) and proprioceptive sense (awareness of body in space).  Sensory Integration develops in utero and then during childhood activities and provides a crucial foundation for all learning and behaviour.

For some people sensory integration does not properly develop, and developmental, learning and behavioural problems can occur.  But toxic and emotional factors will disrupt the sensory integration of everyone at some level, and we can therefore all gain benefit from a reduction in this interference.  Top performing athletes, artists, students and other striving for high level achievements require exceptional sensory processing to achieve their objectives. 

Edutherapy programming operates on the basis of the fundamental building blocks of sensory integration, as shown in the Sensory Integration Framework diagram. Well-developed lower level functions are necessary before higher level functions can mature or reach optimum levels. Each individual’s developmental process through the Framework is unique, and the programme supports and responds to their specific needs.

We offer a questionnaire designed to clarify which of our three therapy programmes will be most appropriate and this provides a full written report. This service is free of charge and can be used before clients commit to joining our programmes. If this questionnaire exposes a number of issues, we recommend that use of our performance enhancement programmes is delayed until any significant issues have been resolved through one of our therapy programmes.

All of our personal assessments include a free six-month review which allows us to measure progress and modify any support strategies which might be put in place. We like to review children’s progress at six-monthly intervals if possible.

For those who do not visit, we monitor progress by telephone or email discussion and through reference to suitable questionnaires.

We are unable to guarantee the results of our programmes. While many clients have consistently derived significant therapeutic benefits, no formal clinical trials have been conducted. We judge the success of our programmes from the results of our testing procedures and the feedback we have received from our clients.

Edutherapy programmes are not medical therapies and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Practitioners do not provide these services, and anyone in need of medical advice or treatment should consult their doctor or other healthcare professional.